Mountain View School District is looking for interested patrons to serve on a Policy Committee for the 2024-2025 school year. The committee will review district policies and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees in regard to possible edits. The committee will meet twice monthly at the District Office at 714 Jefferson, Grangeville, Idaho. If you are interested in supporting the District through your participation on the committee, please send a letter or email to Alica Holthaus. (Superintendent Alica Holthaus, 714 Jefferson St., Grangeville, ID 83530 OR Deadline - August 29, 2024 The committee will include 5 patrons. If more than 5 letters of interest are received, the Board of Trustees will randomly draw from the pool the names of 5 applicants at their September meeting.
9 days ago, Mountain View School District
Staff members that have been with the district for more than 5 years were recognized at the Mountain View School District Welcome Back Staff Meeting. Those staff members with the District longer than 5 years are pictured. The employee continuously working for the District is included in the picture. She has worked for the District for 35 years. Please join us in congratulating Michelle Tosten on her 35 years of distinguished service to the children of our District!
10 days ago, Mountain View School District
This picture features staff who have been at MVSD 244 for over 5 years
The staff of Mountain View School District #244 started their Welcome Back meeting on August 20, 2024 with the Pledge of Allegiance. There is no better way to start the new school year. Watch here! -
10 days ago, Mountain View School District
Staff of MVSD 244 saying the pledge hwile standing on gym bleachers
GHS Concert Choir Fire is TONIGHT! 6 - 8 pm Bring your friends who may want to join choir! Don't forget a chair and chocolate!!
11 days ago, Miss Carla
Fire Flyer
The watering system at the Idaho County Fair Grounds - the "lickets"- were way too high for the pigs to drink from easily. The 4Hers worried about their pigs getting enough water. For years, there has been discussion about moving the "lickets" This summer students from the GHS Ag class took on this public service project. We look forward to less worries at the fair.
18 days ago, Alica Holthaus
Student in barn
GHS Ag Student
GHS Ag Student
GHS Ag Students
Upcoming Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors - you are invited! Homeschoolers - think about joining choir next school year! Come to the CONCERT CHOIR FIRE!
about 2 months ago, Miss Carla
Bon Fire Flyer
3 months ago, Mountain View School District
USDA's Summer Nutrition Programs for Kids is now available: Families now have more ways to get their kids the nutrition they need in summer when school meals aren’t available. USDA’s SUN programs offer convenient, flexible options to help kids reach their full potential! Click the following link to get more info-
3 months ago, Mountain View School District
Screenshot of USDA SUN Programs website
This Monday, June 17th, 2024, at 6:00pm PST, there will be a meet and greet forum for the MVSD superintendent applicants. The forum will be hosted at the Grangeville Senior Center: 108 Gville Truck Rte, Grangeville, ID 83530 All in the Mountain View School District communities are welcome to come and engage. Thank you. See Public Notice posting here:
3 months ago, Mountain View School District
Superintendent Meet & Greet infographic
Don't forget to register for this fun family event! Thank you, IFG, for your support!
3 months ago, Miss Carla
Poker Fun Run flyer
Election Results will be posted at the following link, no earlier than 8pm. Thank you for voting! Every vote counts and your commitment to making your voice heard is truly appreciated.
3 months ago, Mountain View School District
Election results graphic
The community is invited to see all the great things GHS musicians have been working on 4th quarter. This will be a fantastic concert. See ya there! Baked goods available by donation - all proceeds go towards scholarships for GHS seniors.
3 months ago, Miss Carla
GHS Concert Flyer
A big THANK YOU to IFG for sponsoring this fun family event! All proceeds go to the Grangeville Music Programs!!
4 months ago, Miss Carla
Poker Fun Run info
Poker flyers
The Grangeville High School Ag classes are selling some of their fabrications today! Call (208) 983-0580 for more info!
4 months ago, Mountain View School District
picture of tractor and shed on trailer
For sale sign
picture of tractor and shed on trailer
picture of tractor and shed on trailer
picture of tractor and shed on trailer
You are invited to the 3rd quarter band and choir concerts!! GHS - Jazz Band, Concert Choir, Concert Band and Varsity Blue GEMS - GEMS Jammers, Beginning Band, Concert Chorale, and Intermediate Band Bring goodies to sell and $$ for to buy some!! GHS - proceeds go to Scholarships for Seniors. GEMS proceeds go to the Band and Choir programs.
6 months ago, Miss Carla
Concert Flyer
March 11 Board Meeting Location Change! The meeting will now be held at GHS. Open session begins at 6. Agenda -
6 months ago, Mountain View School District
Parents of students, K-12, can apply for the "Empowering Parents" grant to receive money for school devices, technology, supplies, and even testing credits. The application window is open now! Apply at
6 months ago, Mountain View School District
We'd love to have you join us at the Blue Fox Theatre TONIGHT! 6:30 Support the Concert Choir at GHS - we're raising money for new choir dresses! Hope to see you there!
6 months ago, Miss Carla
Movie Flyer
The generic results regarding the four day school week survey were shared at the last board meeting. They are now accessible to view on the district website! Click this link to view directly:
6 months ago, Mountain View School District
Image of partial results for 4 day school weeks survey
The Board Meeting is in Clearwater Valley High School Library tonight! Town Hall: 6:00pm Regular Meeting: 6:30pm View the agenda here:
7 months ago, Mountain View School District