This announcement is for Mountain View School District parents and students within the Elk City, Grangeville, and Kooskia communities. Weather conditions require a 2-hour Late Start tomorrow, Thursday, February 6th, 2025. Bus route pick up times will be 2-hours later than regularly scheduled times. School doors will be unlocked 2-hours later than normal. The 2-hour delay will provide more time to restore power to affected areas in the district and allow for additional daylight to improve visibility when assessing icy roads. We will update you with future notifications if conditions change. Again, all Mountain View 244 schools will have a 2-hour late start February 6th. Please stay safe and warm.
about 1 month ago, Mountain View School District
This announcement is for Mountain View School District parents and students within the Elk City, Grangeville, and Kooskia communities. School is cancelled tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 5th. Weather conditions make roadways and bus routes hazardous to get students to school safely. As a result of this closure, school doors will remain locked with entry not possible. We are notifying you of this cancellation so you may make plans for your children for the day. Again, all Mountain View 244 schools and activities will be cancelled February 5th. Please stay safe and warm.
about 1 month ago, Mountain View School District
To ensure the safety and security of our students, staff, and facilities, Grangeville High School will be deactivating door access fobs that have not been used in the last two weeks and are not checked out to known individuals. This is part of a regular security practice, conducted at random intervals, to maintain a secure environment. Please note, there is no threat associated with this action. If you believe your fob has been deactivated in error and should still be active, please stop by Grangeville High School today so we can verify your access needs and, if appropriate, re-register your fob. If you no longer need your fob or don’t require it to be reactivated, please return it to the school for proper use. Remember, fobs are not free and should be used responsibly. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe campus. ~ Mrs. Bush
about 2 months ago, Mountain View School District
Class of 2025 Graduation time was changed to 3:00. Please spread the word!
about 2 months ago, Miss Carla
grad time change
Please welcome our SRO (new school resource officer), Deputy Watkins. An SRO is a law enforcement officer assigned to a school to help ensure safety and security. SROs build positive relationships with students, staff, and parents while addressing safety concerns, preventing crime, and serving as role models. They also provide guidance and promote a safe learning environment through education and support. We are so excited to work with Deputy Watkins.
2 months ago, Mountain View School District
imageof SRO with students
image of SRO with young students
image of SRO in front of sherrif's truck
Grangeville High School has taken on the task of a STEM Grant Blood Drive this year. We are wanting to try and help our local hospitals, patients and school. We need your help. We are about 25 donors shy of our goal. With your help and donation we can reach the donation goal and help qualify our school for a STEM Grant while we help save lives. The blood drive is tomorrow! -Tuesday, January 7th 2025, 1:30pm - 6:30pm on the Vitalant Bus outside of our High School. We need you to sign-up and donate to help us reach our goal. One reason we chose to go in January is so that any donors who donate for our blood drive will be eligible for the GEMS blood drive in May of 2025. Thank you so much for all you do for our community, our hospital, our patients, and for our school. It is greatly appreciated. Here is the link to sign-up. Thanks again! GHS Student Body
2 months ago, Mountain View School District
There will be a Inclement Weather Test Alert sent out via text and calling, Wednesday, at 1:00pm. This alert will be received by all parent-guardians and staff of the Mountain View School District schools. Please spread the word, set a reminder in your phone, and check that you receive the alert. If you do not receive the alert, contact your school office to update your Skyward contact information.
3 months ago, Mountain View School District
Weather alert on phone image
Hope to see you at the concert!
3 months ago, Miss Carla
GHS Christmas Concert flyer
Tawnya Poxleitner visited the Tech Math class with Mrs. Finnegan. She was talking about her job as a paralegal to the prosecuting attorney's office for Idaho County (Matt Jessup and also Brennan Wright). She talked about DUI laws, liability law if you are a dog owner in Idaho, traffic infractions, probate law, patent law, and subpoenas of social media. She also talked to the kids about college (how to get scholarship money for summer school, math required for her degrees, etc.). She stressed the consequences that they could face if they're involved with many of these situations.
4 months ago, Alica Holthaus
Tech Math
Please join us in congratulating Tracy Lynde for being recognized by the Idaho School Board Association as Board Clerk of the Year. Mrs. Lynde is the Board Clerk for Mountain View School District as well as Kamiah School District. She was presented with the award on November 7, 2024 during the ISBA Convention. Thank you to the Kamiah Board of Trustees for making the nomination.
4 months ago, Alica Holthaus
Trustee Edwards, Board Clerk Lynde, Superintendent Holthaus
The GHS Environmental Science class took a field trip to the Lion’s Park to learn about longitude and latitude, invasive species, and the ecological norms of our region. Each group laid a transect line and calculated the invasive species in the area. They did a little GeoCaching too! In preparation we had guest speakers from Idaho County to discuss noxious weeds, the Forest Service, and USDA. Thank you Joe Sclichter, Alex Arnold, and Mariah Truax!
4 months ago, Alica Holthaus
Idaho Noxious Weeds Handbook
Students examine plant
Trees of North Idaho
Please join us at the GHS Fall Choir & Band Concert!
5 months ago, Miss Carla
Fall concert flyer
The first deconsolidation hearing is available to watch on the district website! All the info available regarding the deconsolidation is accessible at including the latest deconsolidation info update from Trustee Harrington and Trustee Myers.
5 months ago, Mountain View School District
Idaho County Clerk, Kathy Ackerman, visited the Grangeville High School senior Government class to discuss how to vote and the procedures for voting. Her presentation included information about the process for students to register to vote.
5 months ago, Alica Holthaus
GHS Seniors
Idaho County Clerk
Over the weekend of September 13-15, Clarkston High School in Clarkston, Washington experienced a security concern. In response to a report of a threat, increased security measures were taken. We applaud the response of the school district in taking steps to protect students, as Mountain View School District continues to hold school security as a priority. Frustratingly, multiple social media posts were later made that exacerbated the situation and spread concern throughout the Lewis and Clark Valley. Students are encouraged to See, Tell, Now when they have concerns for their safety or the safety of other students. It is important for us to help students understand that the “Tell” portion of that process means telling a parent, trusted adult, and/or school official immediately. Social Media posts from unofficial sources only cause further fear and confusion. Thank you in advance for working with the District in helping your child understand the importance of following the proper protocols for school safety while not causing further harm in spreading social media rumors. More information about the See, Tell, Now program can be found at:
6 months ago, Alica Holthaus
See, Tell, Now Poster
Get your new water bottle and water bottle stickers at the GHS football game this evening!! (the stickers also work GREAT on car windows!!) We have a large variety of stickers available and you can special order them as well. They are 2 for $5 (only sold in "twos." Support the Middle School Choir and Band Students as they earn money towards their Music in the Parks trip in May!
6 months ago, Miss Carla
Mountain View School District is looking for interested patrons to serve on a Policy Committee for the 2024-2025 school year. The committee will review district policies and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees in regard to possible edits. The committee will meet twice monthly at the District Office at 714 Jefferson, Grangeville, Idaho. If you are interested in supporting the District through your participation on the committee, please send a letter or email to Alica Holthaus. (Superintendent Alica Holthaus, 714 Jefferson St., Grangeville, ID 83530 OR Deadline - August 29, 2024 The committee will include 5 patrons. If more than 5 letters of interest are received, the Board of Trustees will randomly draw from the pool the names of 5 applicants at their September meeting.
7 months ago, Mountain View School District
Staff members that have been with the district for more than 5 years were recognized at the Mountain View School District Welcome Back Staff Meeting. Those staff members with the District longer than 5 years are pictured. The employee continuously working for the District is included in the picture. She has worked for the District for 35 years. Please join us in congratulating Michelle Tosten on her 35 years of distinguished service to the children of our District!
7 months ago, Mountain View School District
This picture features staff who have been at MVSD 244 for over 5 years
The staff of Mountain View School District #244 started their Welcome Back meeting on August 20, 2024 with the Pledge of Allegiance. There is no better way to start the new school year. Watch here! -
7 months ago, Mountain View School District
Staff of MVSD 244 saying the pledge hwile standing on gym bleachers
GHS Concert Choir Fire is TONIGHT! 6 - 8 pm Bring your friends who may want to join choir! Don't forget a chair and chocolate!!
7 months ago, Miss Carla
Fire Flyer