Winter Magic Tree Lighting Ceremony in the Park Saturday, 11/26 at 5:00 PM. Kindergarten - 4th Graders and the Middle School Choir will be singing "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" and "Marshmallow World" at this fun community event that kicks off the Christmas Season in Grangeville. (Thanks to the Idaho County Free Press for a photo from a previous year.)
almost 2 years ago, Lee Slichter
Singers at Winter Magic
The school board meeting at CVE has been moved from the library to the CVE gym. Please enter through the playground gates.
almost 2 years ago, Joe Rodriguez
board meeting sign
PTO Movie Night & Silent Auction--Charlotte's Web. GEMS Gym on Friday, November 18 at 7 PM. Free movie. The concession stand will be open. The Silent Auction will be available for bids. Proceeds benefit the GEMS Music Program.
almost 2 years ago, Lee Slichter
Charlotte's Web
Here's what's happening in Music!
almost 2 years ago, Miss Carla
Concert Flyer
Joins us for the annual Veterans Day Assembly at GEMS Thursday, November 10th @ 9 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
almost 2 years ago, Miss Carla
Veterans Day Assembly Flyer
GEMS Band and Choir Concert Tuesday, October 24th 6:30 pm Multipurpose Room
almost 2 years ago, Miss Carla
Concert Flyer
Bake Sale flyer
Music Boosters Meeting is coming up! Tuesday, October 11 @ 6:30 in the GHS Music Room. Please come and see how you can help support the music programs at GEMS ANS GHS!
almost 2 years ago, Miss Carla
Music Boosters Info Flyer
Blood drive TODAY! 1:30 - 6 pm GEMS Community Room We are short 13 donors. Please come if you have time. We will get a $2,000.00 STEM grant if we get 13 more donors! Thank you for your generous life-giving donation.
almost 2 years ago, Miss Carla
Blood Drive info
(This an old photo from a previous year--you didn't miss it!) GEMS Jog-a-thon Update: Due to the strong possibility of rain on Thursday, we are postponing the Jog-a-Thon to Monday. The schedule for the jogging events will be: K/1 - 1:20 to 1:45 2/3 - 1:50 to 2:15 4/5 - 2:35 to 3:00 MS - 3:05 to 3:30 Let's hope for a bright and sunny day on Monday!
almost 2 years ago, Lee Slichter
Jog-a-thon on Monday
Community Members, Parents, and Students are invited to join us for the 1st Music Sponsor Club meeting. Monday, September 26 @ 6:00 pm. GHS Music Room. See ya there!
almost 2 years ago, Miss Carla
Music Sponsor Club Flyer
Update 1--The GHS Volleyball Game is really on Tuesday night, there was a typo on the website that caused some confusion. Sorry. Update 2--The 4th & 5th grades cannot go on their field trip because the air quality is not healthy enough for an outdoor adventure this week. SO...they are staying at school and having a Pajama Day tomorrow for Spirit Week. Note: The guideline for outdoor school activities (including recess, football practice or games, parades, etc.) is that the Air Quality Index needs to be below 150. See for up-to-date information about our local air quality.
almost 2 years ago, Lee Slichter
Update for Spirit Week
Shop Class Spirit Shop class started out with a fall theme to get the kids going on tools. See if you can figure out what the theme is...
almost 2 years ago, Mike Johnson
Gavin B.
Cash H.
Izzy & Jenna
SURPRISE! Next week is Homecoming Week! (Ooofta--this is coming around quick!) GEMS will be honoring "School Spirit" while remembering our main objective: LEARNING! Each grade band is doing their own salutes to the Homecoming festivities. Monday: Middle School and K-3 will be dressing with "NEON" in mind. Meanwhile 4th and 5th will be having a "Color War". Here are the classes and their colors: Vanderwall = Red; Bodily = Blue; Remmerden = Green; Jaggi = Purple; Vangunten = Yellow. Tuesday: Middle School is having "Spirit Wars". The "Sleepy Sixth Graders" will have a PJ Day. The "Sporty Seventh Graders" will wear sports uniforms or gear (within reason--we are still learning here). The "Achy Eighth Graders" are going to assume a variety of fake injuries (no gore please--keep it school appropriate). The "Tricky Teachers" in Middle School will feature magician/wizard attire. Our 4th-5th graders will be gone for a field trip. But the Kinder-3rd grade will have a Pajama Day. Wednesday: 6th-8th has Hawaiian Day while Kinder-5th is having "Picture Perfect" Day (in honor of School Pictures--which are also that day). The High School has their Volleyball Homecoming Game against Prairie that night at the GHS Gym--JV starts at 6:00 and Varsity starts at 7:30. Best of Luck to the Lady Bulldogs! Thursday: Schoolwide, Thursday is "Bulldog Pride Day" with the school colors of Blue and White at every grade level. We hope to watch the GHS Homecoming Parade around 11:00. Also, GEMS Football and GEMS Girls' Basketball have their first home games--both start at 4:30 at the GHS Football Field and the GEMS Gym, respectively. Friday: The Homecoming Football Events against McCall-Donnelly will happen at the GHS Field. The JV team starts at 4:30 and the Varsity starts at 7:00. Go Dawgs!
almost 2 years ago, Lee Slichter
Homecoming Spirit Week
WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! GEMS students returned to class today, and they are a beautiful sight. For teachers and students, it is a day of excitement and building happy classroom communities. The day is off and running with a few tiny hiccups and a lot of grace. Let the learning begin!
about 2 years ago, Lee Slichter
Back to School
Strike Up the Band! If you missed meeting Mr. Eynon last week, he will be at GEMS on Thursday 8/25 from 8 - 2. Come and meet him and bring your instrument if you have one!
about 2 years ago, Miss Carla
band instruments
Online registration for students who are new to the district is available through the Skyward Link on the District or School website. Parents of continuing students can also go into Skyward to confirm that your contact information is correct. Anyone who needs support with student registration could choose to drop by the GEMS office on Monday-Thursday, August 22-25, between 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM.
about 2 years ago, Lee Slichter
On Thursday, August 18, between 8 AM and 3 PM, 7th & 8th Grade Band students (and their families) are invited to drop in and meet Mr. Eynon (the hero who saved band for our Grangeville Schools). He will be in the Band Room at GEMS ready to meet you and help with instrument needs. You can bring your instrument to get checked for repair/maintenance or pick up your school instrument that day.
about 2 years ago, Lee Slichter
Meet the Band Teacher
On Monday, August 29, from 4 to 6 PM, GEMS families are welcome to stop by the Open House at Grangeville Elementary and Middle School. Teachers look forward to greeting students and their families. Feel free to drop off your school supplies in Elementary Classrooms or your new locker. Middle School students will be able to pick up their class schedule during the Open House or on the first day of school. The PTO will be available with information on how families can get involved.
about 2 years ago, Lee Slichter
Back to School Open House
The GEMS Student Council voted to renovate the planters outside on the playground over the summer. Council members got together and painted them and then planted an assortment of plants in them, most of which were donated by Dixie Johnson of Grangeville. Included in the planters are basil, assorted geraniums, ivy, maple trees, and chestnut trees. The Student Council plans to keep the planters going from year to year, hopefully producing some edible fruits and vegetables.
about 2 years ago, Mike Johnson
A finished planter
Student Council Secretary Avery Brown painting
S.C. Treasurer Ellie Austad adding the first blue stripe
S.C. V.P. Tagan Cervantes & Mr. Johnson painting
KINDERGARTEN JUMPSTART is for students entering Kinder this Fall. Participants will enjoy eight days of Kindergarten excitement while getting acquainted with the people, routines, and fun they can expect in the coming school year. The program starts on August 1 and goes through August 11, meeting on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during both weeks. Families should plan to drop off their students at 9:30 and pick them up at 12:30. Lunch is provided (at no cost) through the Summer Food Program OR children can bring lunch from home. There is no cost for the program. Contact Shelby Ruark at (509) 843-7502 for more information.
about 2 years ago, Lee Slichter
Kindergarten Jumpstart