Picture collage of MVSD Superintendent search brochure
March Student of the Month (Respect)
GHS Mock Interviews
Tobias Stoner Feb Student of the month “Integrity"
Students  accepting school award at the Idaho Science and Engineering Fair
Picture of levy brochure
GHS students compete at UI math competition
Drivers Education class schedule
Connor Barnett GHS January Student of the Month “Most Improved Student"
GHS December students of the month (Responsibility) Adri Anderson and Makenna Denuit
Picture of CDC recommendations document
Coming Soon!  Its everything Mountain View SD 244 in your pocket!
5 Students walking side by side throgh a school hallway while talking to one another
overhead picture of a full orchestra and choir in  a concert. hall / auditorium
sun disappearing behind a horizon with a mountains, open field, and tall grass at the forefront